

Well, I had a feeling for a while that this baby was going to come early. Guess I was right. If she doesn't come on her own before then, I'll be induced this Sunday! I'm super excited! I'm shocked at how OK I am with it since I wanted to avoid pitocin and was afraid of being induced...but my placenta is getting too calcified and baby girl will be 38 weeks on Thursday so she'll be better off outside of me so I'm cool with it as long as she gets here healthy. As soon as my doctor said what was up and that baby looks healthy and she recommended inducing, I was immediately at peace about it so I know it's the right thing to do. Here's hoping for a smooth delivery and for baby to hold out for April 2nd.😂 I'm afraid no one will believe us and/or will think we're insensitive if we announce her birth on the 1st lol!