Anyone on their TWW?

Erica • Married to my best friend 1/3/20 🥰💍 TTC Baby #1

I’m one or 2 days in to my TWW. It’s already agonizing and all i want to do is test! I’ve made sure to stay really busy today, even took a 4 mile walk but now I’m sitting here wishing it was a week from now lol. I had 10 days of testing high until I got my peak on the 11th day. Way longer than last time which is gonna make this cycle almost 39 days if my lutein phase is 14 days. Crazy, thought my cycles were shortening back up after stopping BC in Dec. Feb shorter than Jan but March wayyy longer lol.

Baby dust to all you beautiful ladies TTC!! ✨💖✨💖✨💖✨