Hubby doesn’t seem interested in sex

I am 28 weeks pregnant, and my husband hasn’t seemed interested in sex since I started showing.

We had sex on Valentine’s Day, then had a not-so-fantastic session two weeks ago. I didn’t orgasm, but I was hopeful that maybe it was the end of the dry spell, and I enjoyed the closeness of it.

I was wrong.

I’ve been wanting him to go down on me like nobody’s business. I’ve never had to ask him before, he’s always said how much he likes going down on me. Now it’s been over a month and a half since he has, and I want it so bad 😭.

I also don’t want to “pressure” him into it because I don’t know if he’s uncomfortable going down on me or having sex because I’m pregnant. Last time I brought it up, he said he wasn’t, but he’s not acting like he’s okay with it.