
Ok so I’ve like this guy but we’ve faded we talk on and off but I feel like he isn’t putting effort or wants something serious but even at still being friends we’re growing apart I don’t want to lost him he’s great but idk what to do. I also meet the guy we meet a while ago at a skate park he’s really cool and kinda cute I talk to him all the time and it’s so much fun but I still am kinda “attached” the the other guy

Guy A:

•cute, fun, funny, tells me want I have to hear, knows me really well, Ik him pretty god, see every day, goes to same school, love talking to him

•don’t really talk anymore, not as close

Guy B:

•sweet, funny, cool, fun to talk to, I lk him really good, same interest, also like talking to

•doesn’t go to the same school, lives far

What should I do?????