Meet Bentley Maverick


I love these so I thought I’d post my story while I wait on him to feed. I had some kinda plan but you know how things change. I want to encourage other moms to feel free to go with the flow and not to feel bad if they need some help! I was hoping to work until the day I went into labor... But my high blood pressure ended me up in L&D; and on strict orders to not return to work. So for a little over a week I did my best to get ready and monitor my bp. I did some swimming and walking. I was at 2 cm for that week. My check up that Friday was fine but they started talking about inducing me the next week (38 weeks). Moms, this wasn’t my plan. I wanted him to go over not under. But he was already making his way out and my body wasn’t cooperating. That Sunday I checked my bp and it kept climbing. Called the doctor on call and he had me come in. This doctor ended up being one I had never met before that’s from the other side of the state! I came in and indeed my bp was super high. He explained I wasn’t sick enough for C Section (to my relief) but wanted to induce me. He explained I was as sick as someone a week over.

I had a feeling all day he was coming sooner than later. Slept terrible that night before due to intense anxiety. It could have been another sign of high bp. They started with a med I can’t spell just to thin out my membranes. Was initially still at a 2 and he stripped my membranes again. (My dr already did the Friday before). We have an amazing bath in our hospital so that night after walking a little and whatnot I decided to indulge. It was the most amazing thing ever and glad I did it right away. Probably sat in there for an hour. A few hours after that my water broke in the bathroom! I was so pumped but agreed with the nurses I should try to nap at least. That was a joke. Maybe an hour later the real contractions started. They were horrible in my back and keeping me from relaxing. I tried everything from walking to shower with no relief. I broke down and tried the IV pain med with still hardly any relief. After talking with my nurse and laboring all night i decided to go with an epi. This was hard for me because I have back problems and don’t want to make them worse. I’m glad I changed my mind because I could barely handle my contractions as he was putting it in. By this point it was 7 am and I was 7 cm. They were coming in at only a few minutes apart and even the nurse said I had long contractions. The epi helped my mood and I finally got a much needed nap.

By around 11 he was completely dilated and ready to push. I could barely feel anything so they turned down my epi to help me feel contractions again. I’m thankful because I was able to take control during. The first few weren’t bad at all but as we progressed I felt more and more pressure. It was exhausting and lasted about 3 LONG hours which is common for FTM. I focused a lot on my breathing which is so very important. My nurses would make great coaches because they literally encourage me the entire time. By the time he started to crown I was in so much pain. I had to wait for the DR to come in and at this point I was at the very last of my strength. He had me push and wait to prevent tearing but I still had a 1st degree tear. None of it mattered after that last push you feel an instant relief and my little man came out perfect. His dad and I couldn’t be anymore happier. He was a big 7lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long. He cried a few seconds then just stared at us which was great. I cut the cord myself and they delayed which is what I wanted. We also got our hour of skin to skin and I cried like a baby.