Worst Nightmare. I cried

So yesterday morning I take my opk and it’s positive ok cool. A day earlier than expected. Had to still wait for sperm shipment to come in. It said before 4:30 it would be shipped. So I’m nervous as fuck like omg. So it comes at like 2 and I had to go to the doctors office to pick it up. We have to go get my MIL at 4:30 so we’re rushing home to do it because we were going to be out for the rest of the day. Mind you, this whole time I’m cramping like crazy. Never cramped like that before. Thinking it’s from the fertility vitamins. So we get ready... thawed it out, put the preseed in and about to get to work. My wife is sucking up the sperm in the syringe. Now keep in mind vials are really small. What happens...SHE SPILLS IT!! I busted out crying like a you didn’t just spill that. Thankfully it wasn’t that much that spilled but still sperm is extremely expensive. So she inserts the sperm and we try to get every drop as possible. I lay there for a few minutes, insert the soft cup and we get moving. Still continued to cramp for some more hours. Took the softcup out last night. Now I woke up this morning and my lower left side is sore. That’s literally never happened to me. Hoping it’s a good sign