When do I track the first day of my period?

I was on the pill for 8-9 years so my periods were like clockwork. I then had my son 18 months ago and had problems with bleeding after so had a scan and found I’ve got a fibroid in my womb. They weren’t concerned and said to leave it. Was also told I had cervix erosion (likely from the birth).

But now I feel like my periods have changed they used to be very heavy before I was on the pill and even my withdrawal bleed on the gap week was heavier. My periods are still very regular but 2 days before they are due I get vaginal bleeding when im peeing or bowels move. It’s fresh blood but stops instantly causing brown discharge then my period starts a day or so later and is light and only lasts a couple of days.

Why is this and when do I count the first day of my period?