Bleeding at 8 weeks


*UPDATE at bottom* I just had my appointment yesterday. Baby was doing good heart beat of 162. and now Im having heavy period like bleeding. No cramps, I called my doctor she said go to the ER. I'm not going to go sit for hours for them to tell me what I'm afraid I already know. *UPDATE #1* The heavy period like bleeding has stopped. I was not bleeding through a pad a hour.Now I'm spotting brown. I have not cramped this whole time. I called doctor this morning, she is sending me for blood work first thing tomorrow morning. We are hopeful for good news. Hopefully my levels are rising like they should and baby is ok. I will keep everyone updated. *UPDATE #2* Bleeding started again, this time with slight cramping. And bigger clots.I will still be going and getting my blood drawn tomorrow. I'm feeling hopeless at this point. My heart knows my baby is gone♡ But my head wants so badly to believe my heart is wrong. *UPDATE #3* I had my blood work done today STAT... I kust got the results back. My levels aren't falling they are rising... I'm going in tomorrow for a ultrasound to check on the baby. I'm no longer bleeding red its brown discharge now. This happened yesterday as well. I went from red to brown back to red now back to brown. I don't know what to think or feel... I'm trying to stay positive. I'm hoping I get good news tommrow. I will update as soon as I know something .