After a very rocky 9 months he left me

I’m 37 weeks and am trying to find an apartment because my boyfriend (now ex) wants me out . On Thursday he originally said I needed to be out by Sunday but has been lenient. I’ve literally cried every day , my Papa is also on his death bed right now . I literally don’t know what to do . I should be nesting but now I’m packing instead . I hopefully will get this 2 bedroom apartment but it is 45 minutes away from my job and all my friends and my mom . I’ll be by my Nanny and Papa and Aunt now though. It seems like every bad thing happens at once . My papa is one of my favorite people and it makes me sick thinking about what he’s going through and how soon he won’t be here ( I really hope he makes it until the baby is born ). I don’t know how I’m going to move everything 45 minutes away . I also don’t have any bedroom furniture ( I only have a dining table , coffee table and two chairs ) . The baby has everything he needs though . I only have three or less weeks and I couldn’t be more depressed/stressed . I haven’t been eating and I can barely sleep . My life is just crumbling down around me and now I’m about to bring a little baby into the chaos . ( I know all this is scattered but I can’t think clearly , I’m just typing what comes to my mind ) I have no one to talk to . I also only get $9 an hour and this year they’ve cut hours back so I make $330-440 a paycheck every two weeks . I struggled paying bills before . Car payment is $330 , loan is $150 and phone bill is $85. I’ll be living in low income housing so the rent won’t be that high . I’m also already on TANF and Wic . I’m scared of having PPD because of these things . I’m already depressed now . I just don’t know what to do . If yo I have any stories like mine and are doing great now , I’d love to hear them .