HCG Monitoring, anyone?

Jenn • Due with #2!! 12-2-18

Hey fellow mommas to be. 4w2d today (or 5w3d by date of LMP) and called the doctor due to some cramping and dizziness. The nurse informed me that when I called to set up my prenatal appointment the receptionist should have connected me with a nurse due to my history because I'm supposed to be under HCG level watch! Well we found out Thursday and just had my first blood draw today (Tuesday) so it's not a ton of time lost. I go again Thursday and every 48 hours following until my levels reach 6500 AND it's been a minimum of 6 1/2 weeks since LMP at which point I will be scheduled for a viability scan. As far as the cramping and dizziness goes apparently it's just normal and the more sharp pains on the right side my OB attributes to the scar tissue on my right ovary, though we aren't 100% sure WHY there's scar tissue (could be due to my c-section or a previous cyst) it does not seem to affect the function of that ovary just causes pain every so often that seems to be more often when I'm growing a baby 😂😂. Anyone else on 48 hour level monitoring?