😓😓 frustrated

Jalissa🐬 • Baby number 1 👶🏾
   My car was stolen today. Long story short me and my boyfriend found the car with two white male perps in it down the block and the nice police officers didnt look at the car, voucher these thugs items that were in my car, take a report for all my stolen property that's no longer in my car AND on top of that they let the remaining thief that my boyfriend chased and held go free.. No cuffs, didnt search him NOTHING. I got these guys faces on camera and video everything for the police to do nothing and not even look at the pictures or the the recording of them being struggled with to get out of my car . They just let this guy go and didn't bother to find the other one they have all my information even my registration is gone.. And these guys are still out there when I'm sure if it was the other way around me and my boyfriend would be in jail and on the news.