tough times


I know people have it way worse and in some way I do have it easier then some. But do know I suffer from postpartum.. With that said... I feel like I'm failing as a mom, she will only go to sleep for my husband and stay calm with him but when he goes to work or if I pick her up all hell breaks loose. I'm. Doing literally everything I can to make sure she's okay to make sure to comfort her and giver her teething stuff when she's in pain. I'm here when she's upset about whatever she's upset about. I feed her I change her I do. More than my husband does because he works a lot. It makes me feel a little bit jealous she's go good for him. And not me. I feel like I'm doing everything right but to me feels like to her I'm doing everything wrong. And now she's going through her 4 months sleep regression and teething at the same time. I'm just... Exhausted emotionally. :(