
So girls, my latest protected sex was March 1-and he used a condom (only protection we use so far).

My period was 5-7 days late but it just started with brown spotting with some mucous and was wet and led up to the picture below, but that heavy brown only lasted like 1 day. So idk if it was my period. So I did a preggy test, and it was a negative.

Now two days after that test, I got this (second picture). Its wet and its like brown mucous. So what is happening?

I do sometimes feel pain on my left side,but honestly it doesn't hurt. And I've been getting weird discharges and messed up period cycles after being sexually active at the end of last year.

Anyone gone through this phase?

P. S. Ive done like more than 8 preggy test when I started having sex last year 😂😂😂 (All neg btw)