It is highly unlikely that you will miscarry again after an early MC that had no health reason right?

Sheldan • 🌈BA in psych, currently working on my Psy.D. Married. one Early MC...🤰🏽🌈 #1 11/26/18. #prochoice #prolove #profreedom

I'm asking because I feel like all I see is people miscarrying their rainbow babies on here and it's freaking me the fuck out. And women who have had 2 or more MCs. I want you guys to feel comfortable posting that stuff in this particular forum and my heart breaks for you, so let's get that out of the way. but yeah, I feel like that's all I'm seeing when it's only supposed to be like a 5 percent or lower chance? maybe I'm looking for it..idk. Although i feel it in my bones that this one is a sticky bean, I'm still scared.