Does this sound like heat exhaustion/heat stroke?

Okay, so we're staying the week at a friend's house in Georgia, where it's been 80-100 degrees all week, and they live in a trailer with bad A/C.
Sunday we had wings and pasta, which gave me really bad heartburn and made me feel sick Monday. I took a zantec & 2 pain relievers, because my stomach was cramping bad. I went to bed. Tuesday comes around and I feel like I have the flu. I woke up crying, nauseous, exhausted, sweaty, etc. I was having hot and cold chills, diarrhea, and I felt really nauseous. I stuck my finger down my throat because I thought I would feel better after I vomited, and I did to an extent.
I didn't eat much the rest of the day, but then later I had granola bars and gatorade and I felt a lot better. Then yesterday and last night I woke up out of sleep to really bad cramps in my leg. Like I woke up out of dead sleep practically screaming because my leg wss hurting so bad. I've been really emotional and hot and sweaty and exhausted. Anyways, do you think I could have heat exhaustion? What should I do? 

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