so fed up with myself....

Time to make changes and not give up this time. 
Going to start running in the mornings and insanity after or before dinner. Along side with my diet. Starting tomorrow:) 
My family is toxic. They are so negative with how I look. My sister says I've seen you eat, you eat for two people. My mom asks me if I'm pregnant everyday, 2-3 times a day. my dad always asks what I'm doing to lose weight and asks how my diet is going. 😭😡 I can't seem to get away from the negativity. And of course it's in my head and I don't feel beautiful like I used to. I rarely smile anymore. And my husband doesn't understand. I try to talk to him about helping me stay on track , how we've been trying for a year to have a baby (I start letrozole in a few days), he's been kinda quite lately. I don't think he's fully attracted to me like he used to be. I have no one it seems like. and it makes me have no motivation. 
But I'm done being overweight. I can't do it anymore. It keeps me from doing things I want to do. I want to feel and look amazing naked and in clothes. No more sweat pants and tshirts everyday. 
Goodbye 55 pounds of fat. Hello new me in the making.