TTC after laproscopic oopharectamy


When my son was 18 months old, I was admitted to the hospital with SEVERE abdominal pain. Come to find out, my left ovary had developed a cyst so large that it caused my ovary to flip on itself. This cut off blood flow to my ovary. Needless to say, by the time they figured out what the problem was, it was too late. I was only 23 when I lost my left ovary. I have an overwhelming desire to be a mother again.. I've prayed, I've cried, and 6 months in I feel like it's not going to happen for me.... I have seen God work so many miracles in my life...and I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for Him. I'm just finding it increasingly difficult to remain encouraged instead of discouraged.

Anyways, I'm sorry for the long book I wrote here, but I will pray for all of my GLOW ladies. I ask that our Lord bless you all immensely!