Skinny PCOS Story!!


I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 18. Since then my OB-Gynecologist put me on the pill, which I would often forget to take. I didn’t start trying to conceive till about a year ago. I’m 28. It’s been a roller coaster full of emotions left and right. I was first placed on Metformin and Clomid. Tried every mg, nothing. Then I was placed on famera. Tried several cycles, nothing. Them I had laparoscopy, ovarian drilling, surgery to stimulate my ovaries. But nothing came out of that except my period for the first 4 months. I was pretty frustrated at that point, so my husband and I decided to go see a fertility specialist who painted a pretty awesome picture of how the treatments would work; <a href="">IUI</a> and/or <a href="">IVF</a>. The only problem was that my insurance, Cigna, does not covering fertility treatments. Since I was seeing my gynecologist, that was covered, not fertility treatments or Dr. visits. Medication for <a href="">IUI</a> costs anywhere from 1000 to 5000 a cycle! Wow! So now, I’m doing all the research in the world to try and work through this monstrosity! I’ve learned that natural herbs, a healthy PCOS diet, exercise, and other natural techniques can truly change your body and help fight PCOS symptoms. I am currently learning about natural herbs such as; Maca, Vitex, prenatal meds, Licorice root, and progesterone cream. I know my levels of progesterone are extremely low, so working on increasing after ovulation. All in all, do your research and find out what levels need tweaking. A healthy diet will make all the difference in the world. I’ve been on this PCOS diet for a week and have seen amazing results with my digestive system, no bloat, and overall energy. I’ve reduced my carb intake and increased my protein and fat intake. Again, one size doesn’t fit all, so you gotta do your research. I also know what levels are low and which are high. I will say that if you’re trying to conceive, avoid coffee, in which ever form it comes. It increases estrogen which then turns to testosterone, male hormone, not allowing ovulation to happen. That’s just my story. I will put more updates up as I continue my journey through these new life changes 🤗!! Blessings!!