HG Mommas, this may be worth the read!


i know how obnoxious it is to hear "try ginger!" or "drink some peppermint tea!". it always so frustrating having people who dont really understand the struggle try to tell you how to manage these severe fits of nausea. especially when its such stupidly obvious nausea "remedy". it just makes me feel like people think I'm an idiot and havent already tried that when ive been puking multiple times a day for over 100 days strait. But i actually think i may have found something that works! my mother in law was doing some research after finding out i switched to zofran and she found some stuff on women being depleted of electolytes by the baby. they suggested drinking two gatorades a day, once in the morning and once at night. obviously its alot easier said than done when you cant keep anything down. so i used zofran the last three days while doing this gatorade thing to keep it down. but as of today i have not thrown up once, nor had a single nausea spell, nor did i take anything for nausea. i think it might be working for me! i couldnt keep it to myself juuuust in case this could be the cure for someone in this group too!