Getting Pregnant after a Miscarriage

MaryBeth • part-time Bartender/ Mommy to 2 kids!
I had a miscarriage in December. We have been trying to have a baby since then. I have a 16 month old daughter and a 3 1/2 yr old son. This is my third miscarriage. It happened before my son, in between my kids and now after having my daughter. Any advice? I've used ovulation test strips and other apps to try and get pregnant. Haven't been to the doctor yet because I don't have insurance. The past three no months my periods have been over a week late. I'm usually in the 27day cycle for 4 days long. Now I'm calculating for 29 days to try and make it work but its still off and still late! Now I'm two days late but a dollar general test yesterday said negative.