help me!??


ok this is gonna be kinda long im sorry,

so theres this boy i like lets call him “ Au” now when i first got him on snap we texted non stop and we still do but its a little less frequent. yesterday I invited him to go to the movies with me and my friends and his friends ( triple date lol ) and he said “ yeah ig” and today before my third period i told my friend erica he said yes and her bf was there and also got excited! after lunch, boys will be boys, and they were play fighting and I could tell au was trying to look “cool” in front of me! but he has(?) a gf, not to long ago he put “ taken” on his story along with a girl with “wcw” B U T not to long ago my friend angelina ( good friends with au) said that they were having problems and i havent seen anything like “wcw” on his story for a l o n g time. I always go watch his Fortnite live streams and we talk about that but other wise we barely talk :(

Does he like me?? Should I make a bigger move than what I just did?