Dear Hubby who no longer exists...

You and I met nearly 14 years ago and fell madly and deeply in love with each other. We did everything together; looked out for each other's opinions, desires and wishes; and always put each other before our own selves. I miss those years.

Over the years, we grew stronger together and stuck to each other's sides, no matter what family and friends said. I miss that companionship.

It has been rough the past 5 years, but I only made the career change, based on what you and I discussed, decided and agreed upon. You left your first job, in fear of us growing apart. You were so concerned about us, as a couple. I miss that side of you.

Unfortunately, though, that concern you had 5 years ago has ultimately caused us to grow more apart from each other. I have a strong feeling that you blame me for your depression and crappy job/career decisions. You now never listen to me, while also rolling your eyes at me while I talk (yes, I've caught you doing that countless times, yet I never say anything - my fault about not saying anything, I know). You keep asking me to give you ideas for something you should do for or with me. I've given you several options, over the years, so you should know by now what I like and prefer. Please stop putting the onus on me to decide what you should do for me - you should decide and do it on your own, since you're "supposed" to be madly in love with me. I miss that side of you that always took joy in making me happy, smile and laugh.

Dear hubby who no longer exists... Please come back to me, so we can continue to grow old together, while being madly in love with each other. I am at a loss right now, because I have tried countless times to help you out - help us out. I get nowhere.

Please come back.