Hopefully Not Overthinking


So hubby and I did the baby dance last week. I've been on suppressing meds and haven't seen my friend since January. I had all the glorious signs last week that indicates ovulation (I normally don't have these). On Friday, I felt what I can only describe as being pinched with two ice picks at the same time. It lasted all of 5 minutes and nothing again for a few days, but in the same spot I felt it again. Friday night after releasing the girls from their confinement, I had to grab them and try not to cry out in pain. I've been slightly nauseated as well. I've had multiple miscarriages too, so I'm trying not to be overly excited etc. Any suggestions, prayers, etc are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Update: still hoping. We've had family here all weekend, so we haven't been able to get to the store. Symptoms are still the same. Found some spots this morning though. Beginning to feel my hope drifting away. I've had multiple "chemical" pregnancies and miscarried early on. Those were still pregnancies in my book. Please continue to pray. Thank you bunches! 💓 Wasn't meant to be this time. Thank you to all who prayed.