Husband has bad morphology


Back in August of 2017, my husband had a semen analysis done in which we were given false results that everything was great. I then had surgery in November 2017 to remove endometriosis, a large uterine septum, cysts and adhesions. During an OBGYN appointment in February 2018, after still not becoming pregnant, I asked the doctor if she could tell me specifically what my husband’s numbers were on his August semen analysis. At that time, she noticed there was a problem. My husband’s sperm count was high, but it said he had bad morphology (but she didn’t have specific numbers to give me). She then referred us to a fertility doctor to do a retest on my husband and for us to get more in depth answers. That appointment was scheduled for next week, and I found out 2 days ago that I’m now pregnant. But I’m extremely worried this could be a bad pregnancy if my husband’s sperm are bad. Have any of you out there experience a miracle pregnancy after your SO received a bad analysis and had a healthy baby?? Or the opposite?