For those who have

Lauren • 31, partner is 35. We have three children, William 10, Georgia 2 & Eliza just born. I work with domestic abuse victims in the north east of England. Partner is a roofer/joiner.
Used opks as a pregnancy test before...
Now I'm not going to use one as a p-test & I'm asking this out of curiosity. 
Those of you who have used an opk, and then used a hpt and it was positive, what did your Opk look like ??? 
I ask this because I am currently 10dpo, I am trying not to symptom spot because to be honest I feel all kinds of different things at all different times of the month. My period is not due until next Tuesday & I don't have the feeling that I am pregnant. I haven't used opks to check my ovulation this month as feel sometimes it's too much pressure. But normally after I ovulate I get stark white opks. And I took one yesterday and one today just to see and I got two faint lines. So I'm not thinking too much into it. I'm just curious at what your opks looked like if u were pregnant.