Feeling like something is missing

Tree • 💙3-15-16❤3-22-18💙3-28-19

I had my baby a week ago (this is my Second) and for the past couple days I can't shake the feeling that something is missing. Before I had my baby things weren't great with my hubby and I. I had found out some things that were going on the past at least couple months and haven't really dealt with it has I had to prepare 2wks early for my baby. Idk if it's that or the baby blues. It seems like I cry at least a couple times a day over that and just in general. My husband is being supportive but not sure how to talk about certain things and it needs to be discussed. He asks every day a few times how I'm doing and I tell him I'm ok which for the most part I am. I'm happy but exhausted. No question just need to get it out.