Endometriosis or PCOS?


I have been having painful periods for as long as I can remember. I’m talking vomit inducing, passing out, fever, ‘I will willingly cut out my lady parts’ inducing periods. I’ve seen countless OBGYN’s and taken upwards of 5 different birth controls. When I was 15 (I am now 22) I had a male OB tell me it was “probably” PCOS but he couldn’t tell, and that I would struggle with painful periods until I got pregnant and that when I was ready to get pregnant to call his office so we could talk about <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. That was the last time I saw him, obviously. Since then I’ve been to the ER twice with terrible cramps. After being in the ER due to passing out from period pain I went to my OB. She did an exam, felt my boobs, and told me it was probably just PCOS, maybe endometriosis, and sent me on my way. No one seems to be able to give me a straight answer. I am desperate. I can’t keep having periods like this.

I usually go 18-20 days between periods. My flow is heavy for 3-4 days and then is light. I struggle with massive clots and diarrhea (TMI, I know). Birth control, midol, & ibuprofen does nothing to control the pain. I frequent hot baths during my period, which do little to nothing.

My question is this:

What would you do? Do I try my 4th OB in hopes to get a definite answer? Is it possible/common to have PCOS and endometriosis? Do I ask a doctor to do a procedure (is it a laparoscopy?) to check for Endo?

Am I just crazy lol I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long y’all, hopefully I’ve got it all in here and this isn’t confusing.

Thank you!