Not your average gun topic

Alpha • 🏒

So clearly things are super heated about guns lately (legality, US, other countries’ attacks vs. US’ number of attacks, etc.). Washington Post is showing the brutality countries are facing from other means outside of guns in the pictures provided. Thoughts? This is NOT an “I told you so” post. This is an “oh shit now what” post. How can we prevent attacks that are still atrocious and inhumane (such as the acid attacks in the post, cars hitting crowds etc.) that will continue to happen regardless of gun regulation? Better mental health facilities? Punishments for parents not stepping up and disciplining/raising their children? As the post says, most of the offenders are UNDER 18! That is INSANE! As we see from a lot of the attacks, many offenders have some sort of mental health issue, is it because of underlying cause (bullying, absent parents, bad communities, etc.)? Sorry I’m rambling. I just can’t fathom walking down the street and someone can so easily take your life, or do something that will stay with you the rest of your life. Why can’t people just be decent humans? I’m actually terrified to do things like go shopping with my kids, send them to school, go to a movie, go to work. This is bullshit.