My period is making me anxious.


I still haven’t started mine & im 6 days late.

Weird thing is I haven’t showed a single spotting all month if that’s suppose to mean anything.

Even after my missed period date I’m not showing any spotting or discharge. Absolutely nothing.

I literally cramped for a day & a half a couple days after my “missed” period then it stopped but I don’t know what’s going on.

My boobs are fine. I was only extremely tired the other day because I stayed up until 5 in the morning but I slept and now I’m back with energy.

I don’t feel any different really,

This is so confusing and stressful when there aren’t any other signs other than NO PERIOD.

I tested twice and it was negative.

Once I started my period last Month the 24th my boyfriend stopped cumming in me bc we do not plan to have a another baby bc we just had one 5 months ago. & we don’t like using condoms and I’m scared of birth control; heard so many ugly stories about them.

What are you suppose to think when you show no signs of ANYTHING?!?😫🙄