Swollen feet cute!

Joshalynn • Mom of a beautiful boy Samson, 5 years old. Another beautiful one due Sept. 1st 2015!
We had pizza last night, it was about 80 degrees and I was sitting at the table addressing my baby shower invitations for a couple hours. My feet swelled up bad! I had been drinking water, but wasn't helping much, so I put about 2 to 3 teaspoons of Bragg's organic apple cider vinager with mother into my 32 oz water and drank it. I slep with my feet elevated on a regular pillow and before morning my feet were back to normal. I've used ACV for swelling before, but it was never as bad as it was lastnight. If you are suffering please try this! On a side note ACV also helps prevent heartburn and keep blood sugars level. My midwife has confirmed its safe for pregnancy and actually good for you. Good luck fighting the heat ladies! I'm 29+2 and feeling good.