Sending dick pic to mother


So I saw this on Facebook awhile back and in my head I was always like “but how would the mother react??!”

Hopefully this is just a hypothetical debate but HERE IT GOES:

I saw on Facebook a post about a female who was sick of receiving dick pics from random boys on Facebook (in case you’re unaware, some guys do do this. Ranging from age 13-67) and the girl responded to the picture with “I am sending this to your mother.”

So the question is, IF you were the mother, sister, family member, what have do you think you’d react?!

Would you be upset at the girl for sending such a picture to you?

Would you be upset at the boy for sending the picture to the girl?

Or both?

There are so many ways to look at it. IMO, I’d be pissed at the world. Of course I don’t want my son to be a creep ass and send pictures of himself to anyone he hardly knows BUT I also would much prefer to be told in writing what had happened then to see the picture for myself.

So, CC, I ask....WWYD??!