My baby girl came a few days early❤️❤️❤️

Kimberly • Wife and Mother of two sweet little girls💕 two babies in heaven👼🏼

Sorry for the long story........🙄

So I was scheduled to be induced March 29th (today) due to high bp, I would’ve been exactly 39 weeks. Well Monday around 630pm my husband and I went to dinner and I started getting small contractions that just felt like cramps. By 830 they got to be hurting a little more but I could still walk like nothing, laugh, and talk. But I knew this pain felt familiar so I went in around 930 Thought for sure I’d get sent home but wanted to be safe, well they checked me when I got there I was only at a 3😩 by 1130pm I was at a 5 so the admitted me and told me I wasn’t leaving until the baby came, so I still at this point was laughing in between contractions and having a grand ole time with my husband and sister at the hospital I decided to get the epidural this time round as I knew this baby was MUCH bigger then my first (4lbs 13oz) and it only numbed my right ride, which was okay to me. Better then nothing. Around 430am Tuesday morning they checked me and I was at a 7 1/2. My water broke around 550am on its own, and I was pushing shortly after because the pressure was not going to stop no matter what I did. My girl entered the world at 636am Tuesday morning at a whopping 8lbs 19.5 inches long. Her head was 33.5 cms and I thought I was never going to be done pushing. So glad I got the epidural this time! She’s so perfect looks just like her father. Could be twins I swear🙄 we are now home and her and her sister just love each other. This mama is sooo sore and it feels like a whole new experience in every aspect. Love my family so much💕💕💕