Something new, need some insight please?

Sienna ❄️ • 29 years old, trying with hubby for #1. 1st & 2nd pregnancies were ectopic. FET #1 failed.
Im on CD 35, period about 6 days late, took a Pregnancy test last weekend (negative). 
I've been having the usual little symtoms such as mild nausea, heartburn, peeing more often. 
But today I've been experiencing a couple new things like earlier this morning I had momentary pretty intense tummy cramping which went away when I got up and started walking around. Then a couple hours later I got really clammy and had cold sweats and a bit of shaking. This went away after I got up and got a drink and ate some food. 
I'm not bleeding at all not even spotting. Are these common symtoms or should I be concerned? Just looking for a bit of insight as I'm trying to wait until Monday to test again. Thanks :)