Stevi • Boy Mumma to 2 gorgeous little men. Pregnant with our 3rd and final, hoping for a girl but happy with healthy🥰

Hey all!

I used First Response digital ovulation tests this cycle, excluding all my other TTC trials and questions Haha

So, I got my first ever smiley face and couldn’t believe it!! So I used the same pot of urine and did 2 more tests, both circles☹️

So I’m just wondering if I take the smiley as gospel or the 2 negative tests?

I know you don’t go off the strips on digitals but the strips were blank all week and then bam! 2 dark lines when I got the smiley AND the 2 circles.

I’m sooo confused!!! We BD’d anyway just in case! But I’m just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?