My mom has HSV2

Last year my mom told me she had unprotected sex with this guy and he got drunk and told her he had Genital herpes. Shes a nurse so she just cried and cried and went thru a lot. I thought she had got checked and it wasn’t brought up since then so i thought she didnt catch it. Well a couple of days ago she told me that when she went to the doctor, the test came back positive for hsv2. I honestly dont know how to feel. I love her and im not thinking any different about her because its not her fault. I am caution though. I dont know a lot about the Herpes virus. Can i get it from using the toilet? The shower? Say if she uses a bath towel but then she washes it in the washer. Can i get the virus from using the clean towel she used? Its just tearing me up because she goes through a lot. She could lose her job because of this. I wish she didn’t have togo through so much. These might be dumb questions but oh well🤷‍♀️