Camera outside of her home - are her concerns/complaints valid? (Read story first)


A Chickasaw woman feels her privacy has been invaded because a camera sits right in front of her Chickasaw Housing Authority unit. According to Jermeka Taite, the camera was placed Wednesday night.

Taite lives with her 18-month-year old and doesn't know who could have access to the footage.

She said, "I shouldn't have to worry about it every time I come in and out." Taite added, "Maybe I need to run to my car with some shorts on or something and you are just looking at me, it makes me feel unsafe and uncomfortable because I do not know who is watching me."

FOX10 News spoke with the Chickasaw Housing Authority Executive Director Michael Sweet. Sweet said they work with the Chickasaw Police Department to keep the area safe and the housing authority uses cameras for several reasons.

Sweet said, "Generally speaking Housing Authority, has a responsibility to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing."

He added, "Part of that is prevention of criminal activity so cameras are generally deployed when we are investigating criminal activity or as a deterrent to criminal activity."

Sweet continued, “It may appear to be on her grass, but it is actually on the right of way, but regardless like I said all the Housing Authority property belongs to the Housing Authority.”

**Do you find this woman’s complaints and concerns valid, or since it’s not technically her property, that the Housing Authority is completely in the right?**

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