I can’t believe it!!


So I’ve always had periods where they would be late for weeks or months. I went to a doctor in high school that told me I have ovarian cysts and it could affect my fertility. I was dating a really bad guy at the time, he cheated on me and lied to me and manipulated me. I stayed with him for over 7 years. He even got me into drug abuse. Last year in April, I decided to change my lifestyle. I wanted to live. I kicked heroin and left him. I met the most perfect man in June 2017 and immediately knew he was the one. We’ve been together since then and have talked about getting married and having children. He doesn’t see me as a bad person for my mistakes and loves me for who I am. I’ve always wanted to be a mother but I thought with the cysts and previous history of drug abuse, I would have troubles with conceiving. My period was late this month, I took a test at 7 days late and it was negative. Today, at 11 days late, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try again. It was POSITIVE!!! I can’t believe it! We are so excited to be parents, I am so happy!! I had to share this 💜