My birth storyI was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios and high birth weight at 37 weeks pregnant

My birth story
I was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios and high birth weight at 37 weeks pregnant. So the doctor estimated that baby would weigh 10 lbs + if carried to full time, because of that he changed my due date and recommend an induction , meanwhile my due date was suppose to be April 3rd but it was changed to March 26. He scheduled me for an induction on March 29 by 8 pm, but on 27th night I lost some of my mucus plug, but I didn’t take it serious. On 28th morning I  lost a huge part of it and was also getting some contractions, I decided to
Wait since I had an appointment with my doctor at 3:45, i took some of my things to the car Incase the story changes in the hospital. When I got to the doctors office he checked me and I was about 4cm dilated, he immediately sent me to labor and delivery, since I was considered high risk. Getting there, I was still at 4cm, so they admitted me. 
They inserted iv, gave me antibiotics for gbs. And then waited for labor to progress, for 6 hours I was still on 4cm with a posterior cervix. Doctor decided to watch me for 3 hours and then give me Pitocin in other to speed up things. I told him I didn’t want Pitocin as I have had horrible stories about it, but I would be glad if he inserts cervidil since that worked well during my induction for my first pregnancy, I didn’t need Pitocin after I got that. Doctor said “okay, we are gonna do everything to please our patients” 
While we were discussing that I started feeling the urge to pee, I went to the rest room, came back only for me to start licking. I told him I was licking and then he said okay let’s check, oh my gosh, your water is broken. He suspended the cervidil and decided they were gonna monitor my progress. 
Oh my God, the contractions I started having were no joke. It wasintense but wasn’t doing anything for me. I told them that I needed epidural  so they brought it in and gave it to me two times but it didn’t work. I felt like I was in hell. I moved from 4 to 7cm in the morning but my cervix was still very high. So the doctor figured out what the problem was, my membrane didn’t rupture entirely and therefore is preventing the baby from descending. He decided to rupture it her self. After then the main labor kicked, I felt like a barbecue chicken been roasted. I was shorting and going crazy. Before noon I was fully dilated and ready to push. I push for 30 minutes, boy was it hell? Oh my God, it’s not funny at all, it was hell fire with no medication. I finally pushed my baby out on March 29th and the entire room was like a river, there was so much water in my belly. No wonder many asked if I wash having a triplet. 
For my boy David, he weighed just 8 lbs and 3 ounces. He wasn’t that chunky they told me he would be. 
Thank God for a safe delivery and I wish other mommas the best experience of labor.