UPDATE!!! contractions contractions contractions


update: still don't know if tonight is the night but had my bloody show for sure!!! contractions staying kinda consistent! fingers crosseddd.

so... I feel like tonight is the night. but i don't want to say that and jinx myself hahaha I got a membrane sweep yesterday, been having some strong contractions for the last few hours and it seems every time I go to the bathroom (which is a lot) I've lost more of my mucus plug, big pieces. at the same time, I just don't see it happening. lol I'm 39w 3d. my son went overdue and I had to be induced so I've never gone into labor. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I could be going into labor right now lol I guess we will see. I can feel this kid beating up my cervix hella bad, like worse than I've ever felt before and believe me I'm no stranger to lightning crotch. going to feed my toddler some dinner and then walk around target for a bit to see what comes of it. I feel sick as a dog, like I'm about to throw up but yet laying down hurts so badly i just want to move lol we shall see how this goes

^^ actual video of me right now