Induction - Don’t do it unless absolutely have to. UPDATE💙

Marisssa 🌙 • PME 07•04•16 👧🏼💜 | SSE 03•31•18 👶🏼💙 Traveler. | Lover. | FreeSpirit. | In Love.

- Pushed him out in 15 minutes he arrived very angry on my chest at 1:10am this morning.

This labor has been rough. To say the least. I’ve been laboring from 7am I was stuck at 2cm until 5pm. I did everything !!!! Walk, dance, hot tub, exercise ball YOU NAME IT I DID IT. I sat in the tub with excruciating contractions had the jets run on my belly (helped so much). I finally gave up, got out and I got checked. I was progressed to a 3 - 3.5 I said screw it I need some sleep and I was beyondddd emotional. I caved an got the epidural at 8pm. (And WOW, with my first birth I did not experience this type of epidural and this one is amazing.) 1 hour later I was at 5cm 90% effaced and position 1. They broke my water and now I’m finally getting some rest. I just want to say, if you’re still reading this, that unless you absolutely HAVE to be induced... don’t do it. My doctors were concerned about weight and my severe sciatica back pain I am currently 39 weeks and I wish I would’ve said HELLLL NO an let him come on his own!! — I’ll keep updating... hoping to expect my son to be born around 2am the latest. If all goes well. 🤞🏻💚💙