future family(?)

Me and my Boyfriend have been together for almost a year now, and I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my whole life. He is my best friend and my love, and we’re about to graduate high school, still going on strong. 
My mom just recently had a baby, and he is the cutest baby in the whole world!!
And it makes me want one of my own one day. The crazy thing is, it’s like both me and my boyfriend have baby fever!! He can’t stop talking about how cute my baby brother is!
The thing is, I never really wanted kids or wanted to be anything more than a animal mom. But something about my boyfriend makes me want to settle down and start a family (of course in the long distant future, no rush here). And it’s the same for him. When we were friends, he would talk about how he never wanted kids and how they were so expensive but the past 6 ish months he’s been slowly turning around!! I think it’s because of me too, which makes me very happy! He’s my first everything and I wouldn’t change it for the world. 
But here’s to hoping that we stay strong through these next few years, and maybe have a little version of us together :)