I know he loves me, right?

I love my boyfriend to death, and I know he loves me, I can just see it in his eyes when I see him that he honestly, truly loves me.

Please keep that in mind when you read this

I know next to nothing about him, and maybe that's my fault cause I talk a lot, but when ever I ask things like where he lives on campus, he's in apartments, I'm in dorms, he just says the complex name. I only have his Snapchat. His Twitter is private and won't let me follow him, he has no Facebook or Instagram, and he once catfishes me on kik.

There are so many many red flags with him, but the biggest thing is his massive sex drive that puts mine to shame. There's 0 romance in our relationship, and the only time I see him is when we have sex.

And I know it sounds like we are FWB, but I swear we aren't! He says he never takes me out or does more is because he doesn't have enough money and is too busy. He's a masters student, with two classes a week from 5-10, and works from 6 or 7 to 3:30 everyday. He has time. We have been dating for about a year, but I thought when we broke up and got back together he would've changed, but he really hasn't.

I seriously love him so much and can only imagine marriage with him, but I know he's not the man I'd every want my daughter to be with.

I put up with a lot of his stuff, but I know for sure, if he every times to lay his hands on me, I will not hesitate to leave his ass. But he suffers from depression and anxiety and won't seek help. This would be a better excuse for him if I wasn't the same way.


So I just went on Facebook and looked up his name and found out he has one, it's obviously private. He had one months ago but deleted it, but I guess he got it back or something. I sent him a friend request