Terrified and confused (long af)

I keep on having these terrible dreams and I’m not sure if this is one of them but it starts off with me laying in bed trying to sleep trying to figure out why I keep having these dreams, I’m so dizzy and I keep on trying to stop myself from falling asleep in the dream cause I know everything’s gonna get weird in them. Weird shit just starts happening and I’m acting like it’s normal, one time I just looked up and my cousin was sitting in my room and he’s like “go look at your Instagram” and I do and it’s just pictures of me my whole life, ones that shouldn’t exist, then I look at my arm and my tattoo just started peeling off and it was blue slime just peeling off me, I was gonna google it but my cousin kept blocking me and was screaming every time I got close to the phone like “DONT DONT DONT” then I realize it’s a dream (everytime I can’t find/get to my phone it when I start thinking it’s a dream) and I “wake up” again and I look outside my window and there’s finally light outside and I’m happy like it’s over then I start looking for my phone that lays next to me and I couldn’t find it and then I look down and I just say “oh shit” and I look over and there’s one of those

And it’s playing Garden Grove (sublime) and then I’m in a hospital gown in my room and I’m just running around as fast as possible and then a dog shows up and I start to question if it’s real or not and I can’t figure it out but it feels like Ive known it for a while.. people are showing up then disappearing(one at a time), the doors blocked off my my dresser and my rooms tore up and I’m shaking back and fourth and so are the other people and I’m asking why it’s closed and they say “for him” and I don’t question them cause ik who there talking about


Then I wake up and I’m laying back in bed I can physically feel everything but I can’t move and I think the guy outside my house finally got in cause I could physically feel something playing with my hair but I couldn’t move I was tryna scream and pray but I couldn’t then I jumped up and here we are.


^ and the night before the same thing happened like 10 times where I was awake but couldn’t move or scream but I wanted to cause something was laughing and pulling me off the bed and I couldn’t do anything everytime, and I couldn’t remember going to sleep every time I kept falling back asleep and it happened again...




How do I get them to stop??