In need of support


Ok guys this is goin to be long but I need to tell the whole story. My bf n I have been together for 6 years and the last two years have been pure hell. He caused me so much stress that I dropped out of college and I was one year away from getting my degree... he has cheated on me with 8 girls that I know of. My birthday is December 9 and I went to spend my birthday with him and he was treating me like I wasn’t shit like he would barely talk to me and then he ended up leaving n spending the rest of the night wit his friends and I was alone on my birthday. A couple days later I find out he’s living wit another female and I confront him n he explained that he got kicked out of his parents place n he had no where to go n that nothing was goin on between them n I believed him. Well on Christmas Day while I’m doin my hair my mom comes in my room n tells me that the girl he lives wit is pregnant so I immediately call him n ask him n his response was “huh” n I asked again n he finally told me he did cheat and get her pregnant n I was so crushed but eventually took him back n he kept cheating n I kept making up excuses for him. Well in may my grandma passed n I was so hurt n needed him but he said he was busy so I went riding around n found him at his baby mom house in bed wit her n that was it for me we broke up for two months n then I gave him another chance n he acted like he changed so I agreed to Move in with him n that’s when the abuse started. He would hit me punch me slap me kick me pin me down stomp me choke me n anything else n I would take it and make up the excuse that at least he isn’t cheating. We would go out to clubs n he would dance n feel on girls right in front of me but when any guy tries to give me attention he tries to fight them. I had a miscarriage n didn’t care at all I guess cause he already has a child but it was my first n he continues to belittle me n put his hands on me n I’m tired n today is the day I stand up for myself n leave. Please give me advice n words of encouragement. I’m nervous because I haven’t been without him for 6 years but I can’t take no more.&’ain’t