Femara and ectopic pregnancy

Samantha • Mommy of 2! TTC #3. Ectopic 3/29/18 Waiting on my 🌈👶🏼❤️

I took my first round of femara in February. We were so excited when we got our positive two weeks ago!!

Sadly started bleeding a few days later. Figured it was a miscarriage so we went to the doctor and sure enough nothing showed in uterus or tubes. Started monitoring hcg levels and they kept going up. Doctor did a uterine biopsy and sure enough no trace of pregnancy in my uterus, so they send me to the hospital for a methotrexate injection. I’m in some pain but not horrible.

My question is has anyone else had this happen after femara? I’m scared to try again with it, but if I don’t who knows if I would ever get pregnant.