PLEASE HELP do i stay friends with her???

okay so i started going out with my boyfriend in december and we agreed to not tell anyone for a month, because it was nice having it just us. so a month passes and i tell my friend (let’s call her B) and i tell her not to tell anyone.

fast forward to february i’ve lost my virginity to my boyfriend and i tell B and again tell her not to tell ANYONE. today my boyfriend tells me that B told a couple of his friends and so now they know that he lied to them (he said we weren’t dating so we could keep it a secret) and the know all of the sexual stuff that we’ve done and everything i told B.

it isn’t just this - she also makes some offensive jokes that i don’t like (calling things retarded, triggered jokes and stuff which makes me kind of uncomfortable). i never brought these up because i thought it wasn’t worth it but now i’m really annoyed

but really the reason we didn’t want to tell anyone was in case this happened and i thought i could trust her with my personal stuff but then she told people that she knew she couldn’t talk about it to. should i carry on being friends with her?