Best sex of my life 😩

Okay so my SO and I haven't had sex in a while because we never really catch moments alone together. 😩 but yesterday I was feeling really down and just depressed really. So him being the amazing boyfriend that he is (he's always spoiled me even when we weren't together yet) he suggested we have breakfast and then go to the beach today.

So I stayed up pretty late last night. probably till about 4-4:30am and me and him were supposed to go for breakfast at 9am. Well if course I overslept. only till about 9:30. He was so sweet and said it'd be fine and we could go for lunch instead. So lunchtime rolls around and he came to pick me up.

(stay with me here)

So we went out to eat (he paid as usual) and then we went to the beach. he had the bright idea to go to a hotel down the street from the beach and swim in the pool. Long story short, its freezing here & I didn't bring a bathing suit so we didn't go swimming. we went into the sauna and made out a little bit and then I was like "woah we can't do this here." so we went into the woman's bathrom that had a shower and omg 😍😍 he hit it from the back like there was no tomorow. (ik it doesn't sound like the best place to have sex but honenstly I forgot we were in public for a while) he came twice and although I'm a little sore it was so worth it bc I honestly feel a lot better than I did yesterday.