!IMPORTANT! Keep seeing my dad


Ever since my dad passed away, Iv been dreaming of him. First he was crying asking us to save his mother and nans beloved objects from his sister who is trying to use his will from nearly 20 years ago when everything was left to her. He rewrote his will every year before he went on holidays. His mother and nan didn't want her getting anything and gave their things to him when they passed. Mum and I want to just live in peace and can't handle fighting this but it wouldn't stop for a few weeks. Now I see him at the other end of a hallway or door in the middle of a dream out of nowhere. I run to him but when I get there he disappears. This has been happening for months. What does this mean? I'm struggling to get past his passing. I still don't believe it he is always just there. He isn't my biological dad but was my only real father figure. We were close so it's hard not being around him anymore. Why does he keep coming to see me in my dream? Is he trying to help me by showing up?