Breastmilk help


Hello fellow Mommy’s!!! I just had my son on Friday he’s 7 weeks early and I need help advise on breast milk.

I’m pumping every 2-2 1/2 hrs I’m not getting much but what I do get I will take to him and I mean it’s droplets 💧 is there anything I can do to help produce more a little faster? I dont want him getting formula but if that’s my only option I will!

Please any advise would be greatly appreciated!!


My son is a week old and I’m so lucky that my milk supply is coming in I’m barley keeping up with his daily feedings but I’m doing it! I have even had him latch on it’s absolutely beautiful to see him nurse being 7 weeks early! I sure hope he comes home soon! Thank you so much for all the advise and the pick me ups! I really really appreciate it!!