Potty training help!

Spring Momma 🐞🐝💐🌿 • 31| Married 💍 SAHM of two 👧🏻💕 👶🏻💙

Hi ladies, my daughter just turned three and won’t have anything to with her potty she is just so stubborn😖. We’ve tried rewards and having her in underwear all day even when we go out, she doesn’t tell us she went potty in her clothes and will just continue playing😫. If I ask her to go potty every time I go she says “ no thank you”😒. I’m trying my best to be patient with her to get her on a routine for potty training. Pretty exhausted emotionally and frustrated with her, not helping that I’m 38 weeks pregnant and feel like a failure because I always told myself our daughter would be potty trained before three years old😩. Now I’m going to have two in diapers ☹️.